Let’s guide you here on this page article on the latest as a customer to GTBank. Please do you know that you can now comfortably withdraw your money without using your GTbank ATM card. Yes, i have tried it and it worked. If you want to learn how to withdraw money from Gtbank without Using ATM card then keep reading as we take you through the Guideline.The Guarantee trust bank has updated to the world class one, You banking with GTbank you have 100% financial update so far you have cash in the bank account. If you try this process you will never ever like moving around with your atm card for security purposes.
How to Withdraw Money From Gtbank Without Using ATM Card
For you to freely withdraw from your account without using your atm card, then below here is the easiest way to bank with your bank were ever you’re
- Log on to internet banking with your User ID and Password
- Click “Account Transfers”
- If you want to withdraw from a GTBank’s ATMmachine close to you, click”Cardless withdrawal (GT-Rescue)”
- If you want to withdraw from any Other bank ATM, click”Paycode (Cardless withdrawal)”
- Complete displayed form with your “Names”, “Mobile number”, “Account to debit”, “Terminal type” and “Cash-out amount” etc.
- Confirm details captured are accurate and completed
- Enter “answerto secret question”
- Enter “Token code”
- Click the “Submit“ button to complete your request
NB: A reference code is immediately sent to your mobile phone via SMS and you can locate the nearest ATM to make your withdrawals