Download AOL Instant Messenger apk | Meet AIM Phoenix

You can now download AOL instant messenger apk that was shutdown before but now back as AOL instant messenger Phoenix.AOL instant messenger is a very old messaging service as of the time of 90s and earlier 2000s which was shutdown within a while of the messenger was in existence.

Since it’s no longer affiliated with AOL, there is no access to old buddy lists or messages. However, there is an opportunity for you to snag the username you always dreamed of having. Or, in the name of nostalgia, you can sign-up using your old credentials before someone else takes it.

AIM has evolved over the years to offer an expanding list of services. Besides sending simple text messages, users can now share photos, videos, music and other files. They can even use the AIM software to make free Internet phone and video calls.

In this currentviewgist article, we’re going to explain how AIM works including how to set up an account and how to use the software’s basic and advanced features. Let’s start with the basics.

How to create aol instant messenger account

  1. Register a new account here
  2. Change the host url in the client to port: 5190 Step 1 Step 2
  3. Accounts and buddy lists from official AIM services are not carried over.
  4. Official AIM client versions tested and known to work: 1.0, 2.1, 3.5, 4.1, 4.7, 5.0, 5.1, 5.9*
  5. If anyone can offer protocol details of older AIM clients, speak up in the forum!
  6. Pidgin users: disable ClientLogin (use MD5 based) and turn off encryption on connection security.
  7. Miranda IM: disable SSL in connection settings.
  8. Other clients: uhh well I hope they have similar settings somewhere…

5.9 appears to exhibit strange behavior on newer versions of windows, 5.0 or 5.1 may be better option