Are you still looking for how to get a travel insurance to secure your movement ensured? If yes then on this page article we shall be discussing on the steps on how to get travel insurance of any country you are and as well we shall show you different types of travel insurance.
What is Travel Insurance?
Many companies selling tickets or travel packages, give consumers the option to purchase travel insurance, also known as travelers insurance. Some travel policies cover damage to personal property, rented equipment, such as rental cars, or even the cost of paying a ransom.
Why you should buy travel health insurance
- Your Canadian health insurance may not pay your medical fees while you are outside Canada
- Your provincial or territorial health plan may cover none, or only a small part, of the costs of your medical care abroad. It will never pay your bills up front
- Foreign hospitals can be very expensive and may require immediate cash payment
- In some countries hospitals and clinics will not treat you if you do not have enough insurance or money to pay your bills
- The Government of Canada will not pay your medical bills
Where you can get travel insurance
You can buy travel insurance through your:
- travel agent
- insurance broker
- employer’s insurance provider
- credit card company
What travel health insurance should cover
No matter where you are travelling, there are 3 things your travel health insurance policy should always cover.
1. Medical evacuation
Make sure your policy covers medical evacuation to Canada or to the nearest place with appropriate medical care. The policy should also cover the costs of a medical escort to travel with you to your final destination.
2. Pre-existing medical conditions
Ask the company to explain the definition of, and the limitations and restrictions on, any pre-existing conditions and tests and treatments you may have had.
- Make sure you get a written agreement that your insurance covers your pre-existing medical condition, or you could find your claim “null and void” under a pre-existing condition clause.
- The agreement must also include a stability clause that says that if you are to be covered for any pre-existing medical conditions for a specific period of time (stability period):
- you must have no changes to your medical condition
- you must have no new medical conditions, symptoms or medications during the stability period before your trip.
- The agreement should include:
- a compassion clause saying that an inaccurate statement may not invalidate the entire policy, and
- a change of health clause.
3. Repatriation in case of death
Make sure that the plan covers the preparation and return of your remains to Canada.
Know what you’re buying
Carefully research your needs. Verify the terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions and requirements of your insurance policy before you leave Canada.
When assessing a travel health insurance plan, you should ask a lot of questions.
- Is there a deductible, and how much is it? Plans with 100-percent coverage are more expensive but may save money in the long run.
- Does the plan provide continuous coverage for the length of your stay abroad and after you return?
- Does the plan exclude or greatly limit coverage for certain regions or countries you may visit?
- Does it offer coverage that is renewable from abroad and for the maximum period of stay?
- Does the company have an in-house, worldwide, 24-hour/7-day emergency contact number in English and/or translation services for health care providers in your destination country?
- Does it pay for hospitalization for illness or injury and related medical costs at your destination?
- Does it pay your bills or cash advances up front, so you don’t have to pay them?
Meet the terms of your policy
It is your responsibility to know and understand the terms of your insurance policy. Read the fine print carefully and ask for help, if you need it.
The information you provide must be accurate and complete. If you have any questions, contact the insurance company. Ask them to clarify the issue in writing.
Get approval from your insurer before you undergo medical treatment. Travel health insurance rarely covers routine health checkups, non-emergency care and cosmetic surgery. It may not cover mental health disorders, drug- or alcohol-related incidents, or extreme sports such as bungee jumping and rock climbing.
Get a detailed report and invoice from your doctor or hospital before leaving the country where you received medical treatment. Trying to get the proper paperwork from thousands of kilometres away can be frustrating. Always submit the original receipts for medical services or prescriptions you received abroad. Keep a copy of the documents for your files.
Carry your insurance information with you while you are travelling. Leave a copy of the information with a friend or relative at home.
Check for Travel Advisories
Check the Travel Advice and Advisories for your destination twice: once when you are planning your trip and again just before you go.